How: By Completing This Survey you can describe one thing you deeply identify with. It could be a thing, a thought, a person, an emotion, an experience, a role, a place, etc. Something that YOU IDENTIFY WITH so DEEPLY with that you feel it represents part of yourself. I.e. motherhood, freedom, love, place, a health condition, body, a state of mind, etc.
What: For the purpose of this study “Ego” is the set of “labels” or “forms” used by our minds to build our conceptual identity, but “Ego” is not who we are. Each piece will portrait one (1) “label” or “form”. Example: [I Am] Free; portraits the identification with “freedom” or “being free”.
Why: By sharing personal content in the form of visual clues, symbols, memories, phrases, photos, etc. I hope that collectively people can help me better portray a wide range of Egos (not only mine) as I try to detach my own judgement from my creative process, the resulting artwork should be more authentic, and meaningful.
Limitations: Every perspective implies limitations. I understand that completely separating my paradigm from the Egos portrayed in my work is impossible, but I believe that including other people in the creative process deepens the understanding of contemporary art as it responds to the people experiencing it.
NOTE: Completing the “I Am” series will likely take years. Not all entries will be selected immediately. I will contact you to let you know when your survey entry becomes the subject of a new painting.
Thank you very much for your help gathering information and inspiration. Please write to me at with any questions or comments. I look forward to collaborating in this project.
[button link=”” color=”black”] Complete the Survey: What do you Identify with?[/button]
** To thank you for taking the time to complete the survey! If I paint a piece based on your response, you can pick up at my studio a limited edition (1/15) print of the piece you inspired. I will gladly send it to you, provide it you pay for shipping. Cheers!**
Short Statement
“I Am”, is an ongoing collaborative study of portraits of Egos. Read the Complete Statement.
Latin for “I”, Ego is the sense of self that is constantly attempting to define our personal identity so that we can distinguish ourselves from others: the set of labels or forms used by our minds to build identity. Central to this study is the recognition that our conceptual identity is NOT who we are, but a mere attempt to understand reality, which -as we know- is a relative concept. “I Am” explores the relation between our individual need for identity (our ego) and the transcendence of that conceptual connection over time. By embracing the plural and constant nature of our Ego, and isolating the forms or labels we use to grasp reality, I hope to de-clutter the entanglement of information creating room for personal and collective awareness.
Over time, I envision the series to collaborate around enough portraits of Ego, hoping the collection will allow us to individually become self-aware of some of the labels we use to identify ourselves (our never-ending plan to define our existence). That self-awareness of Ego could bring us closer to together.