Flow + Transformation @ Crome Architecture. Cartoon Messenger performing live, featuring Charlie Prowler

Art, Music, and Wine!    I am proud to announce an eclectic exhibition presenting my 3 current series displayed together all through the breathtaking offices of Crome Architecture in San Rafael, Marin County.

Join us in celebrating San Rafael’s Art Walk with a casual presentation of paintings and prints showing the “flow + transformation” my artwork is experiencing, with “flow” represented by recurrent abstract patterns of lines, dots and stream symbolizing life, change and evolution connecting visually my work across the series. This is a rare opportunity to see most available paintings and prints from BotanINK Series,  [I Am] Series and some studies from my latest  [SOMOS] Series, that is still in its conceptual stage. (scroll down for statements and photos)

Crome Architecture
905 4th St, San Rafael, CA

Reception: Second Friday September 13, from 6pm to 9pm
(During San Rafael’s Art Walk)

Cartoon Messenger

Self-Portrait by Kaitlin McSweeney

Cartoon Messenger performing live at 7pm, featuring Charlie Prowler Cartoon Messenger is an expression of the fragile yet engulfing moments of being that compose the human experience.  Piecing together fragments of synthpop, classical and folk sounds, the East Bay based project  animates a multi-dimensional narrative of thoughtful questions, honest feelings, and no final answers.  Joined by darkwave apparition Charlie Prowler.




We will have Wine, Cheese, and other yummy things. I hope you can make it! 

Andreina D.

(after the reception visits by appointment only )


[I Am] Snowdrop
Ego or identity label by artist Elena Caron | Mixed Media on Wood | 18″ x 18″ | 2013 | [I Am] Series

“I am” Statement: Latin for “I”, Ego is the sense of self that is constantly attempting to define our personal identity so that we can distinguish ourselves from others: the set of labels or forms used by our minds to build identity. Central to this study is the recognition that our conceptual identity is NOT who we are, but a mere attempt to understand reality, which -as we know- is a relative concept. “I Am” explores the relation between our individual need for identity (our ego) and the transcendence of that conceptual connection over time. By embracing the plural and constant nature of our Ego, and isolating the forms or labels we use to grasp reality, I hope to de-clutter the entanglement of information creating room for personal and collective awareness.

The Big Bang  |  Mixed Media on Wood  |  18″ Diameter  |  2013 (Better picture coming soon)

The Big Bang | Mixed Media on Wood | 18″ Diameter | 2013 (Better pictures coming soon) | [SOMOS] Series

Somos” (We Are) Statement: Is a series that intends to tackle big philosophical questions about our human existence in a visual and amateur manner, with the idea of making some of these complex topics more accessible. To the seasoned philosopher it only scratches the theoretical surface of its ambitious subject, but for the casual visual thinker, I hope at the least spark curiosity and the faculty of wonder. Ideally SOMOS will create a “think-map” of question, isolated thoughts and different perspectives that could help will identify connections and help us make sense of our shared existence or humanity. I am currently exploring way in which the art will respond to the people experiencing, separating in a way, my own self from the final result.

Butterfly Night  |  Mixed Media on Wood  |  14″ x 14"  |  2013   |  BotanINK Series

Butterfly Night | Mixed Media on Wood | 14″ x 14″ | 2013 | BotanINK Series

“BotanINK” Statement: BotanINK is a series of botanical studies that aim to imprint the memory of a specific moment in the never-ending process of change and evolution. The pieces are an ode to the constant growth and transformation botanical organisms go through daily. BotanINK is a non-judgmental window into a form of life that is wild and peaceful. Andreina is drawn to plants and their intrinsic ability to persevere, how they are strong and fragile at the same time and she wonders how their grown relates to our (human) way of living. The creative process for this series is organic and different every time. BotanINK pieces are not born from an intellectual debate, instead they are an intuitive response to materials. Texture and color play a fundamental role in the preparation of surfaces.