Tag: collaboration

Flow + Transformation @ Crome Architecture. Cartoon Messenger performing live, featuring Charlie Prowler

Art, Music, and Wine!    I am proud to announce an eclectic exhibition presenting my 3 current series displayed together all through the breathtaking offices of Crome Architecture in San Rafael, Marin County. Join us in celebrating San Rafael’s Art Walk with a casual presentation of paintings and prints showing the “flow + transformation” my artwork… Read more »

Call to collaborate – [I Am], Is all about YOU

How: By Completing This Survey you can describe one thing you deeply identify with. It could be a thing, a thought, a person, an emotion, an experience, a role, a place, etc. Something that YOU IDENTIFY WITH so DEEPLY with that you feel it represents part of yourself. I.e. motherhood, freedom, love, place, a health condition, body, a… Read more »