An interacive installation that took part at the amazing Mama@23HAM event on the magical evening of May 1st of 2010. MAMA, organized by my amizing friend Kaitlin McSweeney, stands for Meet Artist, Manifest Autonomy, was a warm and wonderful nigh where more than 20 resident artists of 23HAM displayed their work on the wall, and worked on amazing installations. The Bubble Wrap Room was one of them:
The Bubble Wrap Room: an interactive installation @ 23HAM from Andreina Davila on Vimeo.
“…and when the drums ceased echos could be heard from the bubble wrapped room (only Andreina Davila could fathom…) as people jumped and laughed, bursting bubbles with hand and foot.” Kaitlin McSweeney
A small room wrapped with bubbles, filled with people, art, books, music, and freedom. People were free to pop the bubbles, or not, to take your shows off, draw on the wrap… glue dots, or not… the freedom to go crazy or just sit and relax. The Bubble Wrap Room was my first installation, it was interactive and magical, it will never be forgotten by me as my first tangible encounter (I wish for many more) with the power of joined creativity and the contagious joy of art.
Mama @ 23HAM
The fotos bellow come from many sources, enjoy. 🙂